♥ My name is Alicia. I go by ALMIGHTYALICIA on the net. musings
I adore loud stuff and bright colours. I am a HUGE movie buff. I also spend half my life watching various TV shows. I practically worship the Moon. And I like observing the clouds.
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Posted Sunday, February 05, 2012 // 3:35 pm
Just cause I don't wish they do
Everyone knows that I am a huge movie buff. Especially for chikc flicks. I love chick flicks. And rarely do anyone get that fact that chick flicks are my kind of things. I am crazy over chick flicks. I can be in a room for a week just watching multiple different movies with the same genre and emerge alive and normal.I just really like the feeling of escape for me. I like the humour, I like the fantasy. I go through a lot of shit in life, and yes, I do relate to the female characters of a chick flick movies. I like the fact that I don't have to think during that type of movie and am just required to laugh at the punchline. I love the illusion it gives that every broken girl in the movie can reach her bottom and still rise above eventually. Like some kind of hope is around every single place she lands. She can have a terrible job, and eventually follow her dream. She can have horrible friends/families, and eventually find a guy that appreciates every single fuckery she has and live happily ever after. She can hit rock bottom or lower, and still find hope and not be despair at all. And everything gets better after she has this huge meltdown and confess every wrong that goes on in her life. And the turning point is simple as fuck, it can be a meltdown, or a guy, or a change in attitude, or maybe, just a phone call. Everything is simplified in a movie like that. All problems become no problem in a split second. At the end of the film, not only everything worked out and they live happily ever after, promises are fulfilled and never forgotten. What they plan to do at the very beginning of the film is what they actually do at the very end of the film. These shit don't happen in real life. They don't. If you hit rock bottom, your prince charming won't break into your house in his horse and pick you up. You remain depressed as shit for the next 5 years or so and nobody gives a fuck how broken you are inside. Not only won't there be a love of your life ready to appear, there won't even be a solution to your problem. Or the basic person to tell you to pick yourself up and keep moving. And that guys, is why suicide happens. Cause hope disappears. Everyone is too selfish to care for another. And when you decided to give up on your part on one side, someone dies on the other. May not be literally but you get what I mean. Movies creates these illusions of happy ending because people like to watch such things happening to someone for once. Even if it's fiction, if the acting is quality, just let them buy it for once. And I am one of those people. I like to believe that someone is out there to be the people to pull me up and bring me forward. I like to believe all problems work out till they fully disappear. I like to believe in illusions of happily ever after like how I had when I was four. And I love that fantasy very, very, very much. Everytime I watch a film, I picture myself and hope that the ending could happen. My best friend who had disappeared from my life because of a huge row, we make up eventually. The guy that appears when I am broken and make me feel beautiful, we get married eventually. The dreams I have from the very beginning would eventually come true. Just for once, those cheesy things I see in the movies become real. Maybe just one of the many things. And let me find some closure and comfort in it. Let me not deal with shit for once. I find escape in these movies, and I do find them a whole bunch of lies, I do. But they give me the hope that nobody does. They give me the feeling that it gets better when my friends refuse to pick up my calls or have something else on that is more important that me. Or when no one is in a mood to try to fix me. That's how I deal with my problems and that's how I like them to be dealt with. I don't like speaking to someone about it anymore cause I realise that I just need hope to continue with life. Not faith. Hope. |