♥ My name is Alicia. I go by ALMIGHTYALICIA on the net. musings
I adore loud stuff and bright colours. I am a HUGE movie buff. I also spend half my life watching various TV shows. I practically worship the Moon. And I like observing the clouds.
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Posted Sunday, July 08, 2012 // 1:39 pm
It's not fair for my future
Did not have a good week yet again. Have the worst lessons with the worst teachers. I even begin to give that signature judgmental face when the teacher opens her mouth to speak, it's not healthy. I have done that face for about 8 months or so and my face is not ready to have it on yet again long term. One thing fantastic about being in polytechnic is having laptops replace books, so I can hide behind my laptop, plug in my earpiece and pretend to be cutting videos or researching when I am really just doing nothing and shuffling my iTunes.Oh and it gets worst. I started to do my work really quickly in class while the teacher is teaching so that I can get it over and done with. I rarely do that when learning something new but since the teacher wants to treat us as complete idiots learning everything from literally scratch, I just fire though real quick. And it is really none of your business about the brightness I set for my Mac's screen. I don't like to complain either but these two weeks brought that annoying side of me that even I detest. The sheer amount of biasness puts me off. I mean, seriously, evaluate and don't judge a book by its ugly cover. Was really hoping poly life would be fair considering all the lecturers were people from the business, it just make sense that they know what quality of work is good and what is bad. Guess not. Have the longest day yesterday. Left my house at 7.30 am to go to Dunman High School for this... I forgot what it was, it was too early to think. Something about bilingualism. Had some English-speaking jackass in the room that came to diss Chinese Language which is really, just, inappropriate. One of them is a teacher even. I mean really, know your audience, evaluate your speech and KEEP IT SHORT AND SIMPLE. Thankfully there was this other JC Chinese teacher who spoke pretty good English dissing the fuck out of them back. Nothing but love and applause for her. She was the only thing I remember from that, cause she is a bloody heroine. She just spoke about how Chinese is just as important as English and we should all at least speak it considering we are all Chinese. That wrapped up at 12pm and I just headed to Scape for the flea thing. I was selling about 15 items and I only manage to get rid of like 5. That is like, pathetic at its worst. I was so dead from the beginning. Starting a business isn't easy. At all... Maids are the worst, asking for discount after discount. They would even dump our stuff forcefully when we refused. Rude. Just plain rudeness. I didn't earn at all after consolidating the amount after booth rental, which sucks because I wanted to. Maybe I should just set up some livejournal page to sell them off at REALLY cheap prices, though I have no idea about shippings. Argh, forget, let me just give them away. I reached home at 9.30pm thanks to Soks' parents. Always good to have friends like that. Labels: flea fail, flea market, poly, school is killing me |